The Return of “Coppélia”
“Coppélia” was first produced at the Paris Opéra by Arthur Saint-
Léon in 1870, to Léo Delibes’ splendid score, and subsequently
went on to become a strange case in classical ballet history. It has
been highly popular but equally – despite the fact that the Franco-
Russian tradition has handed it down to us intact – a neglected
ballet, often played down. “Coppélia” has now come back into the limelight thanks to two
new productions, at La Scala, Milan and the Bolshoi Theatre in
Moscow. We have asked “Coppéliologist” Roger Salas to
tell us the history of this late- Romantic ballet, while Elisa
Guzzo Vaccarino and Marc Haegeman review the two new
productions for us below.
6 Affiche/Cartellone/Calendar
12 Echos – nouvelles du monde de la danse
Brevi – notizie dal mondo della danza
News – from the dance world
28 Le retour de Coppélia
Ritorna Coppélia
The Return of Coppélia
34 Deux nouvelles Coppélia: à la Scala de Milan et au Bolchoï de Moscou
Due nuove Coppelie: alla Scala di Milano e al Bolshoi di Mosca
Two New Coppelias: at La Scala, Milan - at the Bolshoi, Moscow
40 Les critiques / Recensioni spettacoli / Critics :
60 Ekaterina Maximova, adieu
62 Multimedia : TV, Web, Dvd...
68 TV
71 Dance Web